Arizona Outdoor Racquetball
Horizon High School
5601 E Greenway Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
March 25-26, 2023
Facebook page: Arizona Outdoor Racquetball
Well, this is it, the Final Battle of our AZ Outdoor’s 2022-23 season. We have been honored for all of you that have joyed us this season and looking forward to seeing you again for the Final Battle. If you are coming from out of state with a group, let us help make things more enjoyable, call us. We have missed you all so much and can’t wait to see our racquetball family again.
This was a WOR/USAR sanctioned event and counts towards rankings. There is a new ranking system that has been integrated into R2Sports. Our Arizona players benefit from these events when playing out of state tournaments.
Current competitive WOR or USAR membership is required. WOR membership is only $18.50 including fees for the year.
AZ WOR Teams
A team will consist of four players: 2 women and 2 men. The team will designate a captain and team name. Matches will be played women’s and men’s doubles followed by both mix doubles. If tied, then a Singles game will be played, using modified rally scoring to 21 win by 2, player rotation every 4 points. This event had teams representing Northern California, Utah, and Arizona.
Matches as they were broadcast from the event:
Thanks go out to the sponsors of the event! (Especially the Key family, even though they did not make a logo for themselves.)