Cheryl Gudinas, former USA Racquetball Team Member and National Team Coach, released three videos to help with drills to enable better return of serve on November 19, 2017. Like and Follow her News Page if you haven’t already!
Avoid an open stance when returning serve.
I sent this video to a friend that plays the pro tour. To follow is a drill that I recommended to teach yourself how to square up to the sidewall quickly.
Posted by CHERYL GUDINAS RACQUETBALL NEWS PAGE on Sunday, November 19, 2017
3-point drill to enable a squared up setup.
3-point drill to teach a squared- up set up primarily for when you're returning drive serves. Hopefully this will prevent open stance returns which do not allow you to generate maximum velocity on your shots.
Posted by CHERYL GUDINAS RACQUETBALL NEWS PAGE on Sunday, November 19, 2017
Strength and explosion drill (cut short).
Good strength and explosion drill to work on getting the hips around quickly as well.
Posted by CHERYL GUDINAS RACQUETBALL NEWS PAGE on Sunday, November 19, 2017