Paola Longoria Grand Slam 2022
Deportivo Ferrocarrilero
Prol. Alameda. Esq, Av. Manuel Gómez Morín s/n, Ferronales
Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes 20190
August 12-14, 2022
Reporting from El Heraldo de Aguascalientes:
Se alista el Torneo de Raquetbol de Paola Longoria
Reporting from Informativo Dieciocho
Paola Longoria se encuentra en Aguascalientes.
El esfuerzo y la disciplina han sido pilares fundamentales en la exitosa carrera de Paola Longoria , quien se encuentra en la entidad para disputar un torneo internacional organizado por el Instituto del Deporte del Estado de Aguascalientes.
¡Acompáñanos en esta charla con la mejor raquetbolista del mundo! 🇲🇽Posted by El Heraldo de Aguascalientes on Thursday, August 11, 2022
Reporting from Pro Racquetball Stats:
Wrap up
Reporting from The Racquetball Blog:
Round of 32 and 16 Recap
Quarterfinals Recap
Semifinals Recap
Finals Recap
Can you predict the results of the event, match by match? Give it a try to win some LPRT swag!
1) Go to
2) Login or create an account
3) Scroll to the bottom and click on Join
4) Enter League code: 43459
5) Enter League password: LPRT
6) Click on Join
7) Click on the player you expect to win each matchup including the finals.
8) Scroll back up to the top to enter the combined score of the final game, so if you expect 11-10, enter 21.
9) Click on Submit Bracket
Then tune in to the LPRT Facebook page and YouTube channel to watch the matches when they go live on Friday morning!
Pro Racquetball Stats has an excellent tool called the Tale of the Tape. This tool lets you compare two opponents’ history, to see if they have matched up, and how often, and what their records are against each other. You can use this once the draw is released to have a better understanding of what to expect from a given match.
Round of 32:
12 vs 21 Sheryl Lotts vs Yanna Salazar >> playing into Angelica Barrios (5)
13 vs 20 Nancy Enriquez vs Andrea Zermeno >> playing into Erika Manilla (4)
14 vs 19 Cristina Amaya vs Jazmin Salvatierra >> playing into Natalia Mendez (3)
15 vs 18 Susana Acosta vs Paula Aguilar >> playing into Alexandra Herrera (2)
16 vs 17 Maria Paz Riquelme vs Paula Mansilla >> playing into Paola Longoria (1)
*None of the players seeded 17 or higher has ever competed in an LPRT division, per Pro Racquetball Stats. We have instead linked the touring players’ match playlists so that you can get to know the established pros.
Round of 16:
6 vs 11 Jessica Parrilla vs Maria Renee Rodriguez – Parrilla playlist, Rodriguez playlist
7 vs 10 Montse Mejia vs Valeria Centellas – Mejia playlist, Centellas playlist
8 vs 9 Carla Munoz vs Samantha Salas – Munoz playlist, Salas playlist
Matches were broadcast on Facebook Live and on YouTube Live.
Due to being an outdoor event, some matches were broadcast on Facebook only when lightning blew up a tree 100ish meters away.
2022 Paola Longoria Experience Aguascalientes Mexico
Pro Doubles Semifinals
Jessica Parrilla & Erika Manilla
Montse Mejia & Alexandra HerreraPosted by LPRT on Saturday, August 13, 2022